Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tax Season and other things to slow me down

Haven't written for a few days.  Sorry.  Tax season has started and apparently flu season came with it this year.  Jared's working 6 days a week and needs his sleep and I get to be up with whoever isn't feeling well.  Then of course I get whatever they had and I can't get over it because I don't get any sleep.  I'm in such a bad mood the voices in my head aren't even speaking to me.  ugh.

I have some posts to catch up on, I was going to post a couple and back-date them but I can't find the little cord to download my camera so I guess they'll have to wait.

Jared turned 39.  Jessica turned 18 months.  Jared gave me some flowers for Valentine's Day.  I got fed up with my kids and put locks on all the TVs and set passwords on all the computers.  I'll post pictures of all of these if I can locate the camera cord.

The Kelly Clarkson song What Doesn't Kill You was on the radio this morning and I'm going with it as my theme song of the moment.  I can't feel sorry for myself though.  Two people in my neighborhood passed away this week and there are people dealing with a lot more than I am.  At some point in my life I might be one of those people who can honestly say they are grateful for the trials they have because of how much growth they experience through them.  I'm not there yet.  I'm grateful when I learn something but I still don't like trials.