Friday, February 24, 2012

Even Funeral Potatoes Make Me Cry

It may have just been chopping the onions.
Using my grandmother's recipe to make funeral potatoes for a funeral luncheon kind of gets to me.
It calls for most of a stick of butter.
My grandmother has been gone for about 12 years.
I don't remember who said it but I've heard my mother repeat the advice that 'a funeral deserves real butter'.
Real butter isn't a big thing these days.
I prefer to use real butter in my cooking anyway so I usually have some in the fridge.
I know there were times in my grandmother's life when it wasn't as easy for everyone to get real butter.
I remember a funeral my mother helped with when I was young where one of the servers wanted to make sure there was real butter on the tables and all the other women solemnly agreed; the moment stuck with me.
I don't think I was old enough to really understand there was a difference between butter and margarine at the time.
My family used margarine for most recipes when I was growing up.
Now I know there is a difference; butter is better for pretty much every recipe, it's more natural, better for you, and a bit more expensive.
Butter is higher quality.
So it's only a little thing, but yes, a funeral deserves real butter.

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