Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year new posting

So this time of year always gets me thinking about all the things I'm not getting done.  Ugh.  What's up with that?  Why can't the new year be about happy stuff?
Anyway, so I haven't kept up the blog very well.  Might have something to do with the five children, husband, house, church assignments, carpools, reading list, yard, extended family, etc.
I also didn't write a Christmas letter this year.  Same reasons as above.  I'm thinking maybe a nice Valentine's Day letter might be doable.  I'll have to get right on that...

Some of you might actually check on what I've posted lately (although don't worry if you're behind on reading your friend's blogs, so am I) so here are a few pictures and things:

Krista turned 14 on the 22nd of August.
She dances.
This shot is titled Dancing With Dinosaur.

Andrew's first day of Kindergarten was a week later than the other kid's first day of school.
 Yes, this picture is so much awesome.  Those abs with those legs... quite the thing.

Kylie turned 11 in September, those pictures must be on my husband's phone...

Have to run the kids to dance class now so I'll try to post again later.