Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Already!

We interrupt this blog to bring you TAX SEASON.

Yeah, I have no time to do much of anything, my farmville hasn't been farmed in almost 2 weeks and my house looks like my kids are running it; mostly because my kids are running it.  I get as much done every day as I can and just try and take it as it comes.  Jared leaves by 8am and comes home around 7pm but goes quickly down to his office to work.  People show up at random hours to hand me envelopes or files or shoe boxes full of financial "stuff" to pass on to my husband.  The other day a guy was here until close to midnight working on his taxes with my husband.  The kids are all desperate for daddy's attention but he is so busy and distracted they just don't get to see him much.
I've only made it through 30 pages of my latest book in the last two weeks.  I need my book time to stay sane but like everything else around here it has to be sacrificed until April 15th when we all breathe a collective sigh of relief and drive over to the post office to get a free donut at the expense of the people still trying to file on the last day.  When I was a kid it was a yearly ritual on April 15th to go to the post office next door to our apartment complex and watch the line of cars reach epic proportions.  Funny stuff.

So, for Monday I will just say the baby has picked a terrific time to start crawling.  Now she's a menace and a hazard and I'm having to watch the 2 and 3 year old like a hawk to make sure they don't scatter small toys (today it was Hungry Hippo marbles) all over the floor where the baby is playing.  I swear it's like passive aggressive attempts to kill their little sister sometimes.

Tuesday can be covered by my attempt to make Hawaiian Haystacks.  My kids have eaten these at a friend's house and they are served at the school for lunch occasionally.  I think I've eaten them once or twice in my life.  Krista wanted to have them for dinner so I took a shot at it.  They tasted really good and everyone ate them but I was informed I didn't get the sauce/gravy right.  I just used cream of chicken soup so it must need something else as well.  Topped them with baked chicken bits, shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, diced celery, grilled mushrooms, and ... those onion things ... my mind is drawing a blank, the dried onion things for the top of green bean casserole at Thanksgiving?  They come in a can... I like the cheese flavor.... FRENCH'S! , that's right, those things deserve a posting of their own.  Maybe I'll look up recipes for the sauce but I could have sworn it was just soup without enough water added so it's kinda thick.

Wednesday's word is meatatarian, my kids were using it before the funny Wendy's commercial.  They use it to mean omnivore (eats both meat and vegetables) as opposed to carnivore (eats meat) or herbivore (eats plants).  The commercial uses it to mean carnivore but the guy is holding a hamburger with a bun.  T-Rex never used a bun.

Today I have been thinking about how I didn't get my blog entries written and since the baby is asleep and April and Andrew are both zoning in front of the TV for a few minutes I'm using my precious "free time" to blog.  I've been doing a bunch of yard work at my house and at Mom's so I need to take a few pictures...  SHOOT!  Now I think of before and after pictures!  Well, there are still some spots in the before stage but I'll have to just post afters for the rest.  My tulips are up but not blooming.  I've spent a few hours trying to kill the grapevine again this year.  Bane of my existence type plant that doesn't grow grapes and takes over the entire east side of the house.  It covers the fence, heads out into the lawn, and climbs the pine tree, pulling the branches down in the process.  It does turn a pretty color for a week or two in the fall before the leaves all fall off, but the rest of the year my neighbor across the fence and I fight it with my special gardening tools; the gardening hacksaw, the gardening hatchet, and the gardening prybar.  Did I mention it is rooted under a very large, very sturdy double fence that neither my neighbor or I want to take out to get rid of the grapevine because it would be a ton of work and expense?  Yeah, so there's all these vines up between the two sides of the fence slats, under the fence, and all over the place and it's like some B Movie with Attack of the Killer Vines going on every year as the vines grow like a foot a week.  At least I can take out some of my tax season frustration on plant-killing.  Some fight back, ha ha, I completely landed on my back in the road today after pulling out one of my "spikey bushes" (maybe a reader can help me with a name for this thing, I'll get a picture) that was overgrown across the sidewalk.  I was pulling really hard and when the piece gave way suddenly I completely biffed it onto my backside.  I don't think any of the neighbors saw my momentary lack of gardening dignity, thank goodness.  Flat on my back in the road holding my prize and laughing at what would have been a great AFV moment.

If my sister sends me the pictures I took with Mom's camera I'll post tomorrow.  Otherwise I'll see what I can do next week.

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