Monday, March 7, 2011

Mommy Monday - How I Met Your Father

A friend of mine is working on a paper for a class and needed the stories of how people met their spouses.  I just sent mine and thought it would be fun to post it here as well.

    Jared and I met at BYU. We lived in the same apartment complex and were in the same ward in the fall of 1996. We don't remember meeting that year but must have been at church and activities together.
    I moved to another apartment for Spring of 1997 but then moved back for Fall of 1997, during that time Jared and one of my roommates were in charge of the family home evening groups for the ward so Jared came over to our apartment occasionally for planning meetings.  I remember him spending time with my roommate and thinking possibly a relationship would develop between them.
    We went on a group date together at one point but we were both on the date with a different partner, neither of us was seriously dating our 'date' for the evening and some time after that night Jared started asking me out. I turned him down because of the almost 6 year age difference that I felt meant he was looking for something more serious than I was ready for. He was very persistent about asking me to all kinds of activities and I eventually agreed to go out with him in March of 1998. We dated for a few weeks and then I went home for the summer and he stayed at BYU to graduate. We both dated other people over the summer.
    The week before the fall 1998 semester started, Jared invited me to join a group going white water rafting in Montana. I decided to go and we spent most of the travel time together. When school started we were again in the same apartment complex and ward so we picked up dating where we left off a few months before. Jared was working full-time and saving for a down payment on a condo he intended to share with roommates (or a wife) and I was going to school full-time and planning on leaving on a mission the next fall.
    By the end of the semester Jared was very serious about us as a couple and was talking more about marriage. I dumped him. I spent a few weeks sorting through my thoughts and feelings on the relationship and realized the fear of being completely unprepared for marriage was the only thing holding me back; I loved Jared, I wanted to get married to him eventually, I just needed to take a 'leap of faith' on the feeling ready part. We started dating again and after a few months we got engaged. We were married the end of June 1999.
     I had Jared read this over, he said it sounds about right but he would like to point out he was never interested in my roommate. He said he didn't really know who I was until after the date we were both on but that it wasn't like he suddenly wanted to go out with me after that night either. He said he doesn't believe in love at first sight (it didn't work that way for us anyway).
     I think we are kind of a case of opposites attract, our personalities, experiences, even the side of the continent we grew up on are opposite but we found we compliment each other and have the same goals and we fell in love and made it work.

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