Friday, October 23, 2009


Love them or hate them, the vampires are everywhere. I actually get a kick out of the stuff. I went through an Anne Rice phase years ago and made it through a few of the books before starting to get a bit paranoid and giving it up. I'm a complete lightweight when it comes to the horror stuff. Couldn't sleep for weeks after watching The 6th Sense and that one isn't even that bad. So, yeah, Anne Rice was a bit much for me.

Twilight on the other hand.... Let's just say I really like Twilight.

I found a publishing company that was having a contest to promote their new book, Defining Twilight, a review for the verbal and language portions of college prep tests like the ACT and SAT using vocab from Twilight. First prize was a signed cast photo from the movie. I entered. I won. Just not first prize; second prize actually. That would be a copy of the new review guide signed by the author. I was still completely excited over this. I get feeling like I'm just "the mom" around here a lot and it's nice to know I still have it in me if you know what I mean.

The downer in all of this is that no one wanted to read my entry before I won. I actually sent it to people who just didn't read it or didn't have time or whatever. Not a single one of them read it, so I did it myself. *Little Red Hen Voice* I wrote it myself. I edited it myself. I revised it myself. I sent it in with only one opinion - the one from myself. Yeah, so maybe you can understand why I felt even more thrilled when I won. Also, maybe you can understand why I won't force anyone to read it by posting it here, I figure if people only want to read it because it won then why bother. Let me know if you want the link to it, or check my facebook, it's on there somewhere.

I did have an inspiration for this post. Also from facebook (I spend way too much time on there) where a friend of mine had this video posted. I thought it was great. Funny, pretty well edited for the random kind of piece it is. Buffy meets Edward, maybe you've seen it. Here's the link:

I still really like Twilight even though I thought this video was funny. Also, I really respect Stephenie Meyer, we've got a lot in common and I am amazed that she was able to write all her books and do so well with all the demands on her time and the sheer insanity that is motherhood taking up most of her life. Maybe one day I'll have a book out and write her a note to say how much I respect what she's accomplished.

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