Monday, March 5, 2012

Jessica's First Haircut


       The hair on the top of her head refuses to grow. The mullet was getting pretty intense.  She also has a "stork bite" birthmark on the back of her head/neck so shaving the whole thing wasn't something I wanted to consider.  She now has a short bob with no bangs (until she grows some) and it looks very cute.  Kinda boy-ish, but cute.  She's almost 19 months old and this is the first time we have cut her hair.  Fingers crossed it will grow eventually.

1 comment:

  1. My little Emily was EXACTLY the same. Her little mullet would grown and NOTHING on top. It was sad to cut the hair she had but at one point the mullet just had to go and we gave her her first haircut at 2 and a half. :( Your little one is so stinking cute! Thanks for sharing!!
