Friday, November 4, 2011

What am I missing?

I've been in a bad mood for a few days; possibly more than a few days.  I'm not sure what to do to shake it at this point.  I'm living right, getting exercise, mostly doing okay in life, and am over the baby hormones by a long ways.  I'm just cranky.  I've tried to give up facebook and other kinda-time-wasting activities to see if getting more done would help; just in case it was an overwhelmed by the craziness around here thing.  I went out with friends a few times; just in case it was a need to get out more thing.  I read a couple of those uplifting-type books about how spiffy I am or about how bad off someone else is; just in case it's just a loss of perspective type thing.  I've done some service things; just in case it was a lack of giving of myself type thing.
Still cranky.
(and starting to feel rather guilty)

Temple attendance - check
Scriptures - check
Journal - check
Prayers - check
Church attendance - well, I'm there but I sure don't get much out of my extensive time in the foyer (notice the cranky here?  Yeah, that's what I'm talking about)
Kids taken care of - check
Housework - check

I can't think of anything I'm missing.  So what am I missing?


  1. I've been cranky too. I've attributed it to the change in seasons. Fall brings winter, which brings cold and snow and dark, which is sad and depressing to me. Sad and depressing means crankiness. I haven't found a solution (besides taking vitamin D) but if I do I'll pass it along, just in case you're cranky for the same reason. :)

  2. more me time... easier said than done though. Thinking of you Amy!
