Thursday, May 20, 2010

Simple Mothers Day Card for Nursery

For any of you that don't know Nursery, it's the kids ages 18 months to 3 years old who get to have a class together for two hours during meetings for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons or LDS Church). We get asked to take turns helping with the little people and doing a short lesson, some singing, a snack, playtime, and little activity things.

Since we're big on families Nursery can be quite the group, especially here in Utah. I personally get a kick out of working in there but I know some find it overwhelming.

Anyway, I did the Mothers Day activity for the kids this year and thought I would share how it turned out. I've got two kids in the Nursery right now so I got to keep two of the cards we made. These are half sheets of paper but a full size works better if doing a poem and the prints.

Step 1- Pre-print cards (I used a poem about footprints a few years back and that was way cute but handprints are easier).
Step 2- Get materials all set up in a corner so crowd control is easier. You need pre-printed cards on card stock, a clipboard, a non-toxic stamp pad/ink pad, a LOT of baby wipes, a pen for signatures.
Step 3- Demonstrate what you're going to do by rubbing your own hand or a willing participants hand lightly over the stamp pad and then having them "high five" the card stuck to the clipboard. Quickly set aside the card and scrub the ink off the hand with the baby wipe. Then have them sign the card putting a translation next to the signature as needed. Put finished cards on display out of reach.
Most kids will then just go for the idea. Work with the reluctant few or grab their dad out of his class for just a minute to encourage them. Include a piece of candy or a flower or something and you've got a great little gift from a little person. If all goes well, consider the footprint card for Fathers Day ;o) .

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