Thursday, June 14, 2012

Orem Summerfest 2012

      We went to Orem Summerfest on Saturday and enjoyed ourselves at our city's big shindig for the year.  We went over to the park around 11am for the carnival stuff and to see what the vendors had out.  It was 80+ degrees, sunny and only a slight breeze.  The kids rode one ride at $1.50 a ticket that was pretty much all the cash I had left after a couple of $3 bags of cotton candy.  $20 just doesn't go as far as it used to and five kids can use it up in seconds.  So anyway, we toured the firetruck,

April in the firetruck
did the free craft activity,

Andrew with the foam hat he decorated
ate some cotton candy, debated whether or not to play the game where "everyone wins a real live frog!"  (please mom, please mom, please mom, please mom, please mom, please mom, please mom, please mom!), rode something called the Vortex or the Tornado or the Twister or the Swirler... something, anyway, it went around really fast and made April cry but thankfully not throw up, and then we went home for lunch, mostly because I was out of cash and starting to get a little sunburned.
      I took the older girls to a play at BYU and then we went back to Summerfest for the parade and the fireworks.  Remember how nice it was in the morning?  By time for the parade in the evening, 6:30-ish, the temperature had dropped to somewhere around 50 and a very strong wind came up.

Kylie in her blanket

Kylie sharing her blanket with Clara from next door
    Just to give you an idea how strong the wind was, the kids jumped out of those metal folding chairs to go grab some candy and a few seconds later a gust of wind came through and blew the chairs over.  Middle of June and I've got the baby in her winter coat and the kids are so cold they gave up running after candy to huddle in blankets on the curb.  Ha ha ha.
     I've got more pictures but they're all on Jared's phone so I have to e-mail them to myself one at a time (there's probably a faster way...) when he's not using his phone and none of the children are playing games on it.
      We were a bit worried the fireworks wouldn't happen but as the sun set the winds died down and with everyone huddled in the van for warmth we parked in the Target parking lot across from the park and watched an excellent fireworks display.
      Thanks City of Orem, that was lots of fun and everyone slept really well that night.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Orem Summerfest. That day was crazy with the cold winds. Brr!
