Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

I just finished the first draft of my Christmas letter for this year.
Who am I kidding, I've pretty much only got time for a first draft.
Anyway, here's the final draft of my Christmas letter for this year (unless I change something).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

2010 has just flown by. Our family is doing well and we’ve grown by one more this year. Jessica Beth Stone was born on the 14th of August and is doing great.

Jared is still working with the Boy Scouts and is also in the Sunday School Presidency. He started working as the financial director for a new company at the beginning of the year. The company is called Ludaxx, (I know what it sounds like but it has nothing to do with that) they make health supplements. With his busy schedule and long hours we don’t get to see a lot of him but he tries to make time at home count and April and Andrew look forward to bedtime stories with him at night.

Amy is very happy to have made it through another pregnancy and baby with no serious complications. She is adjusting to life with five kids and trying to get a good schedule going to keep everyone organized and the house in good enough order that most of the shoes can be found most of the time. Amy is still working in the Nursery so Jessica gets to attend with April and Andrew every week. She is also on the Family History Committee, the Ward Website Administrator, and a Stake Extraction/Indexing worker. She enjoys being in a neighborhood book club and is always looking for good books to recommend. She is a bit addicted to Farmville and facebook and is trying to cut back on both.

Krista turned 10 in August. She likes fifth grade and helps to read to the first graders. She does very well in school and was thrilled to find out that Krispy Kreme gives out free donuts for every A because she can almost get a half dozen all to herself. She loves dance and is doing well in ballet and Irish. She has adjusted to life with braces although she has had to give up her favorite carmel treats. She is taking piano and does well at it especially when she remembers to practice. She likes jewelry and accessories and made her very own bead watch after one of our neighbors showed us how.

Kylie turned 7 in September. First grade keeps her busy and she has learned a lot. She is a math whiz and likes to work with numbers. She is above grade level in her reading and loves Junie B. Jones books (I can see why as she’s a little bit Junie herself). She loves that Krista reads out loud to her for a few minutes before they go to bed and has expanded her taste in books through this nightly ritual. Kylie is also taking ballet and Irish and asked to be moved up a level this year so she could have more of a challenge. Kylie likes cooking and helps make treats and easy recipes, she would like to be able to make things herself but isn’t allowed to use the oven yet.

April turned 3 in April and is very proud of the fact that she is now 3 AND A HALF. She started taking dance classes this fall and was so excited to be one of the big girls. April’s world is full of pretend people, places, and things. I love this age full of pretend treats and imaginary friends. She has a three year olds eclectic fashion sense but her real passion is shoes. She hates to wear simple sneakers and is always trying to get me to wear fancy shoes too. April likes to sing, enjoys Nursery, loves Craisins and goldfish crackers, and is a super big sister for Andrew and Jessica.

Andrew turned 2 with a vengeance in November. His answer to every question now is NO and its funny to watch him do a double take when the answer should have been yes; as in “do you want a cookie?”, “No! (pause) Yes!”. Andrew is addicted to Dora and Elmo. His mom restricts TV for kids under 2 and Andrew seems to be trying to make up for the depravation by watching the same movie over and over again and throwing tantrums if it gets turned off. Keeping him busy and away from TV is a full-time challenge. He loves the park and the playground at the mall. He follows April around all day and they come up with creative ways to drive their mom nuts like dumping out bags of flour and sugar and unplugging various appliances just to watch them quit suddenly.

Jessica is a very happy baby. She was born very pale and listless but after an IV and a bit of attention she perked right up and turned into a very cranky person for her first few weeks. We were all getting a bit worried and frustrated with her constant upset but Amy thought it might be reflux like Krista had as a newborn and asked the pediatrician for a prescription. Within 24 hours Jessica was a new person. She now smiles at us all the time and babbles and waves her fists cheerfully at her siblings. She sleeps and eats pretty well and is easy going about all the attention and love that her siblings can dole out.

We have had a good year and are grateful to have been blessed so abundantly. We pray that our friends, family, and country will be happy, in good health, and full of the blessings of God and liberty in the coming year.

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