Saturday, February 28, 2009

Get rid of something

I read an article in Real Simple magazine probably two years ago that talked about getting rid of 50 things and the feeling of freedom and peace it brings to you to unburden yourself.

Try giving away one or two things and see if it works. is a great place to find someone who needs something you have but don't use anymore.

It's about time for Spring Cleaning anyway. Let me know how it goes!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Charity equals Peace and Happiness

This is an amazing talk by Arthur Brooks. He's got some great suggestions on how to go about becoming more happy and finding joy and peace through giving more to others.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Making The Bed

It's been proven that starting your day by making your bed will create a small sense of peace.

Try it. Let me know if it works.

What ways do you find/create peace in your life?

I want this blog to be about how to have peace in my life and throughout the world. We can hope for peace and pray for peace, but how do we create some?